Frequently Asked Questions
Registration of Domain name
The exact term should rather be “Applicant” or “registrant” in English, or even “Holder”. It is about a resource allocation which is granted to you for a limited period, renewable an unspecified number of times. This resource allocation can in fact be withdrawn under certain conditions (see Registration Contract and Settlement of Disputes).
By registering a Domain Name you implicitly accept the “Registration Contract” which is presented to you at the time of the Registration procedure and which you can consult on line HERE at any time. We invite you also and most strongly to consult the heading “Settlement of Disputes.”
The WHOIS base is updated with certain intervals and can present a light defect in synchronization. If our inquiry window indicates that the Name is not available, it means that it was indeed already in addition the subject of a Registration.
We make it possible for you to re-use information provided for other registrations of Domain Names.
The easiest way will be to consult our online database (WHOIS) by questioning it with the Name which you have just submitted.
Yes. If you have large quantities of Domain Names to register you can sign up for a partnership agreement with BookMyName.
In all cases we invite you to contact us
No, it is unfortunately not possible to change domain name once the Registration has been carried out and the costs remain acquired. You can of course make a new Registration with the correctly spelled Domain Name.
In the present configuration, the Names must comprise 2 characters at least and 63 characters at most (suffix not included). The Names must start with a letter or a number, finish by a letter or number, and, inside, only comprise letters, numbers, or hyphens. Underlining and spaces are not accepted. The names cannot only b e made up of numbers. Only the 26 letters of the alphabet without accent and Arabic numerals are accepted. The system does not distinguish capital letters; the fr eedom of choice of the Domain Name does not exonerate you from having to check that you do not infringe the law on trademarks or well known names.
You can carry out a reservation from one year to 10 years, and carry out renewals from one year to 9 years.
To submit a Domain Name, you must provide a certain number of coordinates, respect the terms of the contract and settle the Registration costs.
You can register the names known as second level (Second Level Domain Names: SLD). Second level means the level after the suffix. The suffix is the “Top Level Do main” (TLD). You can thus register names of the type “” or “” or “”. Names of type “”, i.e. the third l evel (also called “sub-domain”), are installed afterwards by your Internet Service Provider, just as a Web address of type
There are millions of Internet users and thousands of them submit Domain Names each day. In the event of unavailability, be creative and imaginative. Use our methodological help provided under the heading “Strategy for Domain names ”. Test a light variation on the name desired. You can also add a letter or a number, an “F” or number of department at the beginning or the end. As a last resort, contact us.
No, it is necessary that this information is propagated throughout the whole of the Internet network, which can take from a few hours up to five days. Your site and your addresses will start to function according to a geographical progression at the rate of this propagation.
The “parking” is the maintenance in reservation of a Domain Name without it being operational for the addressing of a site or e-mail boxes.
Yes. In the same manner that you appear in the telephone directory, information on who is responsible for a Domain Name is accessible so as to be able to contact you for a technical or legal problem. This is necessary in order to allow a good application of the law as regards consumer protection, law on trademarks. The Domain Name Registrar makes this data public via its base “WHOIS”.
The Internet System was developed by academics in a spirit of great liberalism.
There are two types of extensions (TLD, Top Level Domains):
The ccTLD (for Country Codes, country code, i.e. national domains), composed of two letters identifying a country (examples: Be for Belgium, Fr for
France, Us for the United States of America, etc).
The generic TLD, composed of three letters or more.
Generic extensions mean in their initial destination:
.com: US commercial concern
.net: professional participant for access, connectivity, networks
.org: non-commercial organization
.info: information
.name: name of private individual
.biz: business
Everyone being free to classify themselves where they so wish, and certain extensions have become carriers of a certain Internet image, the choice of extension has
from now found itself guided by the concern for covering an Internet identity or that of an availability.
BookMyName proposes amongst other things the registration for TLD .com .net .org .biz .info .name .eu .be .us.